“Steve [Jobs] had an incredible ability to rally people towards some common cause by painting an incredibly glorious cosmic objective. One of his favorite statements about the Lisa was, “Let’s make a dent in the universe. We’ll make it so important that it will make a dent in the universe.””
(Trip Hawkins, manager of marketing planning for Lisa)
“The Lisa failed because it was very underpowered, and so, while it did beautiful things, it did them very slowly.”
(Alan Kay)
“The mouse is quite sturdy and can tolerate a lot of rolling and button-pressing. However, a sudden impact could damage the sensors inside. Avoid dropping the mouse or hitting it against hard objects.”
“We want to drive this industry. We could have introduced Lisa a year ago, but we wanted to make it perfect. We’re prepared to live with Lisa for the next ten years.”
(Steve Jobs, Time magazine, January 1983)
“Whatever Apple’s plans are, we think it extremely unlikely that it would introduce a similar product that would undercut their Lisa system so soon after its costly development and introduction. Indeed, we cannot see the benefit that would be gained by such action. So, whatever MacIntosh [sic] may turn out to be and whenever it finally appears, we think it is more likely that it will be clearly differentiated from the Lisa offering.”
(Joseph L. Ehardt, The Seybold Report on Professional Computing, January 1983)
“When the mouse is moved on the surface of a desk, an arrow moves on Lisa’s TV-like monitor screen. This permits the user to juggle words or statistics around in much the same way that a child uses a joystick to manipulate spaceships in a video game.”